Learn how to design innovative solutions that address your customers' real problems.

Learn a novel, syncretic analysis technique that combines all of the industry's best practices into a single methodology.

This is the system I used to design solution that accelerated Job To Be Done completion by x541 and built the foundation for Elements.cloud's product-market fit and market dominance.

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You pay what you want for the course (minimum $35 for lifetime access)

LearnĀ product management from VP of Product behind the #1 Change Intelligence platform for Salesforce

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Job to be done

Learn to consistently capture and pinpoint theĀ exact userĀ problem that needs to be addressed

Full context

Learn how to understand the full context of the user's journey before you start solutioning.Ā 


Learn how to always find opportunities for innovation and build exceptional products.

See what graduates are saying...

"I took the Total Story Visualization course and found it very valuable! [...]Ā The course focused on the idea that each level in a UPN diagram should be assigned a purpose and should be constrained to a certain level of thinking. It separates the problem from the solution, reduces cognitive load, and runs a thread of purpose through each layer of thinking. [...] The Total Story Visualization framework brilliantly runs that thread of purpose through each level, bringing clarity to everyone involved. I would recommend this course to all Salesforce Professionals, Business Analysts, and Product Managers. "

Ben Brumfield

Co-Founder of Mavtron

"Discovering TSV, Elements.cloud, and your course have been a game changer for me, and even make me a better consultant, because I know exactly what information I need from the client, and why, and every step. For example, the analogy of hiring someone for a job. When I asked the client to think of what resources/information do they need, how will you know when the job is done? etc., it made things so much easier! Also, I completely get the simplicity of using UPN, especially as I was trained in UML many years ago."

Jen C

Salesforce Consultant

"I just finished up Xavery's Total Story Visualization course. I found this to be a great course. I've been diagramming and documenting for years. I always thought there had to be a better way for me to do this. When I say for me, I mean how I think about things. The TSV & UPN methods make sense to me. That's not to say it's an easy process, I have a ways to go. The TSV course has laid the groundwork for me. I highly recommend the course to anyone looking for a different way to solve and document problems. Thanks for a great course Xavery.

Jeremy Bannon

Salesforce Consultant

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What's included?

Combining all analysis techniques into one

No more juggling between Jobs To Be Done, Process Mapping, User Journey Mapping, Automation Diagramming and anything else. Learn a novel, syncretic approach over 22 lessons that will help you choose the right approach for the right problem.

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Practical exercises and templates

Video courses are complemented by downloadable templates, interactive diagram templates, cheat sheets and practical exercises to help you master your craft.

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Real-life examples

The course is not just theory, dive into plenty of real-life, practical diagram examples to help illustrate the principles.